A Necron weboldal sütiket használ ahhoz, hogy a legjobb vásárlási élményt nyújthassa számodra.
A weboldalunkon sütiket (cookie-kat) használunk annak érdekében, hogy javítsuk a felhasználói élményt és biztosítsunk egy jobb szolgáltatást. Részletesebb tájékoztatóért katt ide!
Our company delivers packages and pallet deliveries via MPL courier. At attractive prices, always according to your needs
General features of the service:
Door-to door delivery all over the country.
Warranted delivery on next working day (24H),
In case of unsuccessful delivery a second delivery attempt,
Undeliverable packages will be stored 5 days long a nearest post office,
Free of charge on-line tracking through MPL's homepage (http://www.posta.hu/ugyfelszolgalat/nyomkovetes) For orders coming in till 2 p.m. (in case of goods which are on stock) we do ensure delivery next day all over the country. Attrcative prices: in the following table you can find our package delivery prices. For registered customers in our webshop we guarantee further discounted prices.
Weight kg
Standard delivery
Cash on delivery parcel
up to 2 kg
600 HUF
850 HUF
up to 5 kg
850 HUF
1100 HUF
up to 10 kg
950 HUF
1200 HUF
up to 15 kg
1050 HUF
1300 HUF
up to 20 kg
1250 HUF
1450 HUF
up to 25 kg
1350 HUF
1600 HUF
up to 30 kg
1450 HUF
1750 HUF
up to 35 kg
1600 HUF
1900 HUF
up to 40 kg
1800 HUF
2050 HUF
up to 50 kg
2000 HUF
2300 HUF
up to 60 kg
2200 HUF
2500 HUF
up to 70 kg
2500 HUF
2800 HUF
up to 80 kg
3000 HUF
3300 HUF
up to 90 kg
3300 HUF
3600 HUF
up to 100 kg
3600 HUF
4000 HUF
up to 200 kg
3900 HUF
4500 HUF
up to 300 kg
5600 HUF
6200 HUF
6000 HUF
7000 HUF
(up to 1 ton) Our prices are net prices which do not contain VAT (27%).
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