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Kan-Ban BOX system

NECRON Kan-Ban BOX and product management, Kan-Ban system of Necron Ltd. and solution to logistical issues.

The NECRON-Box KanBan system is a logistical system according to optimal stocking and frequency defined by the user with exact marking provided where our company is ensuring the continuous material supply and the logistical backround to realize a stabilised material supply alongside mounting at your company.

Before implementing the NECRON-Box KanBan system most business companies count only with product prices at their procurement processes but not with the optimalisation of their logistical costs. With the implementation of our system you can significantly reduce your company's logistical costs because the price of the end product is not necessarily the price of a cheap connection element.

The structure of the procurement process can - without the NECRON Box Kan-Ban system - considerably increase the price of the end product. By improving the 85/15% rule you can reduce the costs of your company while your work also gets significantly easier.

Before the implementation of the system the price of an end product is composed of the followings:

  • Demand research
  • Inquiry and evaluation
  • Selection of the supplier
  • Orders on call-off and continuous monitoring, tracking
  • Stock observation
  • Storage
  • Checking of the delivery note and the invoice

After implementing the NECRONBox Kan-Ban system:



Common tasks needed once

Demand research and optimalisation
Price negotiations
Implementation of the system

- Bundle collection
- Settlement of the invoices

- Order tracking
- Continuous stock observation
- Restocking of goods
- Storage tasks
- Maintenance of delivery notes and invoices

Advantages of Kanban system:

  • There are no storage issues, no call-offs, no orders
  • There is no need to monitor the contiuous product maintenance
  • Neither good receipt nor stock-in nor restock are needed
  • Errors can be significantly reduced, occasionally entirely eliminated
  • No need for inventory
  • No accounting processes
  • Simplification of delivery notes and billing processes

Product management in the Kan-Ban system:

  • Scanning of present status
  • Determination of the goals
  • Planning of future position
  • Setting up the to-do list

We review the need and usage cycles of the connection elements used by your company. Our advisors make proposals on switching to Kan-Ban, on products and also storage optimalisation. Our experts work out the material-logistical structuring, plan the storage facilities and we do purchase the needed storage rack elements.

Deployment of integrated Poka Yoka solutions in the technology - simple and clever solutions which do prevent the appearance of the problems.

Thanks to the recent technology we can say "Other plants, other manners" which means that we configure our system with using the best practice straight to your production structures.

After the implementation of NECRON KanBan Box system we are liable for continuous delivery of the needed quantity on the proper place of destination.

Your job is that simple: just use the connection elements.

NECRON-BOX KanBan in practice:

For products which were involved into the system either according to upfront needs or during the employment of material logistical solutions, Necron Ltd. ensures two boxes per item. On the boxes you can find the description of the goods like patent number, description, size, quality, item number and other information. At the start we ensure the stock-in of the boxes of the whole system.

Using and stocking of the goods:

You do not have to do anything else than use the connection element required. In case of using the whole box content you just need to leave the box at the defined place and pull the full boxes forth on the rack and again use the connection elements. Our company ensures the continuous supply, refill, storage and other logistical solutions as per the conditions of the frame agreement.

With the usage of NECRON-Box KanBan system you simplify your production processes by reducing your logistical costs in the meanwhile.

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