1134 Budapest, Szabolcs u. 8.
Tel.: +36-1- 349-77- 46
Fax: +36-1- 236-05- 69
E-mail: info@necron.hu
NCN 9524 8.8
Hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket flat head screws with special low head, fully threaded 9524
Hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket flat head screws with special low head, fully threaded (NCN9524-ZN0-0095)
Hexalobular (6 Lobe) socket flat head screws with special low head, fully threaded
: Steel
: Pins, rivets, cotter pins
: Gépipari kötőelemek
: Zinc plated
d1 M4
L 5